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Bible on Palm-PDA
This English version of my originally
German Palm on Bible page
is provided for convenience of those who are interested in conv2pb but do
not speak German. I apologize for my poor English.
Among the various projects which bring the Bible onto Palm handhelds I currently (March 2004) consider the following four as important:
Both converters identify Biblical books not on by their (language dependent) name but by a number. Poetry Poon's program has the disadvantage that its numbering scheme does not take into account apocryphic (i.e. not contained in the Hebrew OT) books which are not part of the Catholic canon. But this does only matter if you want to convert the Septuaginta or the Vulgata including these books. On the other hand BibleConverter can not only convert into the Bible Reader format but e.g. also into the format used by Crosswire's Sword project.
YCHBibleConverter uses a numbering scheme (invented by J.S. Park) that does not only take into account all the apocryphs but is at the same time open for books closely related to the Bible (e.g. Dead Sea scrolls, rabbinic literature, Josephus etc.). But it can (at least currently) only convert into the Bible+ format.
Who has BibleWorks has a lot of Bible translations in digital form at his hands which can be exported into a text file (File | Export, choose a Bible, file type is text). All he needs is a program which converts that export file into the source code format of (YCH)BibleConverter. On a long Saturday I startet writing such a program: conv2pb was born. It is written in Java and needs only a Java runtime environment (JRE) for execution.
Another source of Bible texts is
The Unbound Bible.
So I enhanced my program to be able to use these files, too.
The output file of conv2pb can be used as input file for (YCH)BibleConverter. You can invoke Conv2PB (be aware of the letter case) on the command line or use the GUI interface program CpbGui. The GUI program is a Swing application (i.e. it uses the graphical controls of Sun's Swing classes).
conv2pb can convert accented Greek text into GreekKeys format at the same
time (which additionally needs the package greekconverter). Who has no BibleWorks
can use the UTF-8 files, that are provided for free download by The Unbound Bible
( Greek NT,
Everyone has to find out for himself if using this program with BibleWorks export files violates copyright laws. Although I regard it as strange that using and spreading the Bible is hindered by copyright, I do not want to instigate anyone to violate laws.
current program version (conv2pb).
source code (GPL applies).
Changes from 0.7 to 071125:
Changes from 0.6 to 0.7:
Changes from 0.5 to 0.6:
Changes from 0.4 to 0.5:
Changes from 0.3 to 0.4:
The format that (YCH)BibleConverter needs to create text modules for Bible+ uses HTML-like tags. Which implies that the Bible text must not contain angle brackets. Prov 31,30 - Eccl 1,1 [KJV]:
<VERSE>Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain:
but a woman that feareth the LORD, she shall be praised.</VERSE>
<VERSE>Give her of the fruit of her hands; and let her own works praise
her in the gates.</VERSE>
<BOOK NAME="Ecclesiastes" NUMBER="250" SHORTCUT="Eccl">
The words of the Preacher, the son of David, king in Jerusalem.</VERSE>
In the BibleWorks export files each verse is a line of its own, at its beginning book, chapter and verse number are cited:
Pro 31:30 Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the LORD, she shall be praised. Pro 31:31 Give her of the fruit of her hands; and let her own works praise her in the gates. Ecc 1:1 The words of the Preacher, the son of David, king in Jerusalem.
From the Online-Bibles
comes the feature of intermediate headlines: conv2pb converts a line that
starts with # into a DESCTEXT tag. I.e.
# Praise of the virtuous woman Pro 31:10 Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies.
<VERSE><DESCTEXT>Praise of the virtuous
woman<VERSTEXT>Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far
above rubies.</VERSE>
First of all: carefully read the documentation on Bible+ and conv2pb.
conv2pb and (YCH)BibleConverter are written in Java. For their execution a Java
runtime environment ist needed. It can be downloaded from
(look around at their Java server).
If you want to use conv2pb you must download the zip archive and extract
it onto your computer (does not matter where). If you want Greek accented
texts converted into GreekKeys encoding you additionally must download
and copy the class
files into a subdirectory of the directory where the conv2pb class files are
located. This subdirectory must be named greekconverter
(make sure to match the case).
Open a console (DOS prompt) window and navigate into the directory where the conv2pb files reside (using the cd command).
Start the graphical frontend by typing java CpbGui. java[.exe] has to be in your search path, otherwise you must specify the full path, e.g. c:\programs\Javasoft\jdk1.3.1\bin\java CpbGui.
Be aware of the following things:
When you are done click the Convert button. Have an eye at the messages in the console window.
More than once users reported the error message "Exception in thread
main java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: CpbGui", although they were in the
right directory and CpbGui.class was definitely there.
Peter Kuhn has solved the problem by extending the classpath by the conv2pb
directory using the option -cp when invoking java:
java -cp c:\somewhere\conv2pb CpbGui
Wolfgang Palaver pointed out to me that in some Bible texts (e.g. BibleWorks 5: New Revised Standard Version) angle brackets occur. They cause an Unexpected-token-exception in BibleConverter, because the expression within the brackets is interpreted as a tag. Simple remedial measure: before conversion with Conv2PB replace all angle brackets by square brackets or parentheses using a text editor.
Several times I have been pointed at allegedly missing verses. But the according warning messages of BibleConverter may be safely ignored. The verses are not missing but are counted in another way in German Bible versions than BibleConverter expects.
A. Rahlfs' edition of the Septuaginta provides two versions for some books (Jos 15;18;19, Jdg, Tob, Dan, Sus, Bel). These versions are exported as separate books (book grammalogues Jsa, Jda, Tbs, Dat, Sut, Bet). Because they are not really separate books there are no book numbers for them in Bible+. Currently there is not programmatic solution for this. Best thing is to create an extra Bible from these particular books an have both of the versions displayed in dual display mode.
In the Vulgate BibleWorks 3.5 exports the grammalogue "4es" for 4 Esra, but in the King James version "4Es" (as in the correlation file). Simply change the entry "4Es" in the file correl/bw35.txt to "4es" before exporting the Vulgate.
You are encouraged to write your own book description file. If you have done so I would ask you to send them to me so that I can provide them to the public.
If you are interested in Bible+ texts in accented Greek, Hebrew or
Latin, then visit
Joseph S. Park's Palm page.
Mr. Park provides ready-made PDB files (and also Greek and Hebrew high
resolution fonts for Sony Clié).
Sometimes users ask me to send them the ready-made text. Would I be willing to do that, I could put the text for download onto my homepage as well. Which would be a blatant violation of copyright. Although I do not approve of the legal situation in every detail: no, I will not send the text to anybody.
If you put your cat into the microwave to dry it and your cat burns to death - who is to blame? Of course the producer of the microwave, he should have warned you. Sue him and your lack of common sense can earn you a lot of money. Unfortunately I do not have any money, so use your common sense instead.
This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of merchantibility or fitness for a particular purpose. It is especially not designed to operate aeroplanes, nuclear power stations or life supporting systems. And currently it is in beta state and needs to be tested thoroughly. This is the price for using it: if you discover any errors (and you will discover them), report them to me as soon as possible.
Author: contact by e-mail)
Last change: Nov 25th, 2007